Dolly Parton and Tina Turner Tea Towel x Kaylene Whiskey
Third Drawer Down in partnership with iwantja arts present a collection of exclusive homewares by the magnificent and super talented kaylene whiskey. Born in indulkana, a remote aboriginal community in the anangu pitjantjatjara yankunytjatjara (apy) lands in north-west south australia. Kaylene whiskey's childhood was pre-internet and the 80s were pretty inspirational, mtv, rage and pop culture created a world of stories and comic book style canvases.
Kaylene makes you want to dance inside your mind and wear a coat of many colours. She celebrates strong woman and merges fancy pop with her daily life and personal experiences. Community is a massive part of her visual language – whimsical yet strong in message – have a good time but look after your sisters.